Re-trip-tion: A fieldtrip i'd like to repeat

Hi colleagues, delighted to meet again on a Tuesday, which, as you already know, is blog day. Today's theme is to talk about a place in the country that I would like to visit again. In this sense, it's very similar to what I wrote in my previous blog "Towers with Partners."

As I mentioned in that blog, I've been fortunate to visit and explore various places, especially thanks to my geography career. The most amazing one that I would undoubtedly revisit is the mentioned field trip to Puerto Natales and Torres del Paine. However, since I've already discussed this before, this time I'd like to talk about another field trip that I would love to repeat, both because of the location and the experiences I had.

The trip was to the Maule region in Chile, specifically in the vicinity of Radal 7 Tazas National Park. The trip took place on November 26 and 27 of last year. The journey was somewhat tumultuous as we traveled in a bus that didn't look very reliable. We went with the people who were studying "Biogeography" with us, including many of my friends. We arrived at a campsite in the area, whose name I can't recall.

In this place, we enjoyed a walk from the bus to the campsite, despite the heat. However, we could appreciate the entire ecosystem, which was incredibly beautiful and green. Upon arrival, we set up tents and things for the night. Later, during the evening, we went out to enjoy the splendor of the nighttime nature, listening to numerous birds of prey and gazing at a beautiful, clear sky.

Finally, the next day, we carried out practical activities that involved characterizing the biodiversity of shrubs and trees in the area. I must admit that I enjoyed this experience a lot because during the night, I got to know my classmates and friends better, and it was the first field trip where we had to spend the night together, forming stronger bonds with them. Another significant reason why I enjoyed this trip was the beautiful landscapes I mentioned, as I had been eager to visit this place.

I hope you've enjoyed this. See you next week. Take care, and I wish you a great Halloween. Bye.

PS: At another moment, I will try to post pictures from this trip.


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