París Neighborhood: Beautiful Architecture That Evokes Memories

    Hello, partners. It's Tuesday again, and it's November 7th. This will be my last blog before the week of self-employment. Today, I'm doing well, although I'm tired as I didn't sleep well, and I'm concerned about a couple of field trips I have in the coming weeks💀. The topic for today is a Chilean building or landmark. In this regard, unlike some of my previous blogs, I would like to talk about something different from natural landscapes.

Furthermore, on this occasion, the blog will be about a national monument, which in my opinion, is a hidden gem within the bustling city of Santiago. Even though I don't visit it regularly, it's one of my favorite places in the city. This is the Paris neighborhood, located right in the heart of the capital, on the street of the same name and its intersection with London Avenue. It stands out for its beautiful architecture and landscaped details, inspired by the streets of Paris from that era.

Another reason why I like this place so much is that during my high school years, I used to live near my school, so I enjoyed walking through this neighborhood when I was leaving. Additionally, it reminds me of reading the book by the Russian anarchist geographer, Piotr Kropotkin, "The Conquest of Bread." This book has a certain connection to the events that took place in Paris during the two months of 1871. I remember that this revolution was carried out by people in streets and buildings of that kind, allowing me to imagine more specifically how those events unfolded.

All of this, without overlooking its beauty and the beautiful sunsets that can be seen in this place while sitting and enjoying a coffee, an ice cream, whether with someone or enjoying your own company. 

I hope you have enjoyed what you've read, as it brought back some beautiful memories for me that I'm thankful to share briefly here. 

See you soon, goodbye😸💚.


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